U-Values and Heat Loss
You may already have encountered the U-value in your building project and felt its significance. But did it leave you wondering - what exactly is it and why is it so important?
What is a U- value?
Simply put it’s a measure of the speed at which heat can transfer (escape) through any element of a building, whether it be a wall, floor, roof, or indeed any component of the structure. Because the construction of these elements can vary so much with design and the choice of materials available, U-values can vary too and hence they need to be calculated specifically for each element. In practice, the manufacturers of insulation will provide examples of the U-values that can achieved when using their products in a variety of constructions and some even provide a ‘U’-value calculator on their websites for you to play with and check your own.
The units used to express U-values are watts per metre squared Kelvin (W/sq.mK)
This means that if a wall for example, had a U-value of 1.0 W/sq.mK, for every degree of temperature difference between the air on the surface inside the wall and the air on the surface outside, 1 watt of heat would pass through any square metre.
In the fight against climate change, reducing carbon emissions from buildings has been critical. Largely that means better insulation. Measuring and controlling it, the U-value has traditionally been the weapon of choice but for new homes and extensions with lots of glass, more holistic SAP calculations may be needed that assess (in theory not practice) the carbon emission per year.
How are U-values calculated?
Most materials have known and published values for the rate at which heat is conducted through them under specified conditions. These values are known as k- values. They are a measure of thermal conductivity. In any element, such as a wall – the k-values for each material layer are divided into the thickness of that material to obtain the R-value for that layer – or the thermal resistance. When they are added all together, the total resistance for the complete section of the wall is nearly found – I say nearly because the air resistances for both the inner and outer face have also to be added on. The total resistance is then divided into 1 to obtain the reciprocal of resistance and this figure is the U-value for the wall.
What are the consequences of getting U-values wrong on site?
Since materials may vary in their k-value even though they look the same, selecting the wrong one may have a bad effect on the U-value.
For example, a mistake frequently made on site is to choose an inner leaf block for a cavity wall that may appear the same as the one specified, but in fact has a higher crushing strength and a worse (higher) k-value. The resultant U-value may mean that if the wall has to be lined internally with more insulation beneath dry lining plasterboard to recover the U-value.
Do the Building Regulations require maximum U-values to be achieved?
Part L (Requirement L1) to the Building Regulations covers ‘Conservation of Fuel and Power’ and U-value maximums have traditionally been set by these regulations. They still are in the case of extensions, but for new buildings a more holistic approach has to be taken to prove reasonable energy efficiency. Whole building calculations that assess the carbon emissions from a building have to be carried out now, and although ‘U’-values are included in these assessments, they form only a part. For conversion work, threshold values are used for the existing elements to be compared against. If any exceed these threshold values, the element should be improved with more insulation up to the current standard.
So what is a good U-value?
Remember - The higher the figure, the worse the thermal insulation quality. So aim to keep your U-Values low and less than the figures below which are the current maximum values for elements in Approved Document L1B - 2010 edition (England &Wales)
Maximum U-values
External Walls - 0.28
Pitched Roofs insulated to horizontal ceilings – 0.16
Pitched Roofs insulated to sloping ceilings – 0.18
Flat Roofs – 0.18
Ground Floors – 0.22
Windows – 1.60
Doors - 1.80
Be wary of some window companies quoting centre-pane values or Window Energy Ratings (WER) in Bands A to G as an alternative, which takes account of the frame as well as the glass. Aluminium windows can be poorly insulated through the frame. In some countries like the USA, windows are rated with R-values (which makes more sense as they applies to the whole window unit)
U- values are discovered by adding up all the R-values of thermal resistance in an element and then taken the reciprocal of that total.
Limiting U-values
Because whole-building energy calculations can take account of many factors, U-values in some elements can exceed the values shown in the table above and be compensated for elsewhere in the design. But not to an unreasonable extent, there are limits. The area –weighted U-value method les you multiply the area of each element by the actual u-value and compare the resulting total heat loss against the same process using the individual limits. This approach can also be sued in glazed extensions with lots of windows (read the blog on glazed extensions for details)
They exist to ensure that some ‘future proofing’ is built in to the home, and that you haven’t completely downgraded external fabric insulation by using sustainable sources like solar panels or wind-turbines to generate your own fuel and power, only to discover that future owners replace them with heating oil or gas. For new home builders and extenders it still pays to build in the highest levels of insulation you practically can and reduce the dependence on space and water heating.
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